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Cedar Lake Association

Rice County Mn

Noxious weed update from MDA

New species added to the Prohibited Eradicate Noxious Weed List. From left to right: Johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense L.) by Barry Rice,,, Pale swallow-wort (Cyanchum rossicum Kleopow) by Rob Routledge, Sault College,, and Red hailstone (Thladiantha dubia Bunge) by Minnesota Department of Agriculture.
New species added to the Prohibited Eradicate Noxious Weed List. From left to right: Johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense L.) by Barry Rice,,, Pale swallow-wort (Cyanchum rossicum Kleopow) by Rob Routledge, Sault College,, and Red hailstone (Thladiantha dubia Bunge) by Minnesota Department of Agriculture.

If you own property, you have probably battled weeds or some kind of invasive species at one point. There have been new species added to Minnesota’s Noxious Weed List at the start of 2023. The Minnesota Department of Agriculture’s (MDA) Noxious & Invasive Weed Program’s goal is “to protect Minnesota’s citizens, economy, and agricultural and natural resources from the negative impacts of invasive plants and noxious weeds” (MDA, 2023). See the full article on SWCD web site.

From left to right: Amur silvergrass (Miscanthus sacchariflorus (Maxim.) Franch.) by Leslie J. Mehrhoff, University of Connecticut,, Lesser celandine (Ficaria verna L.) by Richard Gardner, and Saltcedar (Tamarix ramosissima Ledeb.) by Eric Coombs, Oregon Department of Agriculture,

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